My pitch for the Nigerian novel is one of the ten featured right now… A great deal of fun to read all of these….
Category Archives: Blog
Night Must Wait and history
Most readers asked about expatriate writings on Africa will think of Let’s Not Go To The Dogs Tonight, West with the Night, Out of Africa, all of which are memoirs. This is not, though it may attract some of the same audience fascinated with Africa. Maybe we can consider The Poisonwood Bible and Nowhere in Africa … Continue reading →
Posted in: Blog, history, publishing
brownies for a cloudy day
The clouds have come in, rank after rank of them, all similar in shape and size, hundreds of them like a herd of sheep leaving only a few bits of blue left in the sky. Gone chilly, a stir of wind in the dead leaves of my grapevines. I hope for rain. So I think … Continue reading →
hope you had a good Thanksgiving
Day after Thanksgiving and I’m full of scraps of conversation, images of friendly faces, the memory of good food and plenty of it. We had seventeen around the tables, not folk who would normally have been hanging out together, which made it all the more fun. At my end we had a librarian, the owner … Continue reading →
the three questions
Shelly Lowenkopf asked everybody in the writing workshop to consider overnight a series of questions, and return in the morning with the answers. One, what do you want? Two, what part of the cathedral do you come from? Three why do you write? I wasn’t entirely sure that I heard the second question correctly, but I decided I … Continue reading →
Thanks to friends and readers– the Amazon free promo days for my ebook Night Must Wait put it at #72 overall in the top 100 free downloads, and all the way up to #4 in the genre of Literary Fiction. I received a message from German blog xtme that I hit #10 in top 100 free … Continue reading →
Posted in: Blog, publishing, writing
Go and get it!
NIGHT MUST WAIT “Subtle and passionate” #ImajinBooks historical #thriller FREE I’d love a review on Amazon if you feel like doing me the favor!
Posted in: Blog
Nov. 6, 2012
gender and identity I’ve always regarded my gender as a pleasant accident even while priding myself on my androgyny. Indeed I have rather avoided participating in ‘women’s’ events. I’ve worried that the presentation smacks too much of a ‘here come the cripples’ attitude, as if women aren’t good enough in their own … Continue reading →
October 31, 2012 Numbers
I never meant to be a gambler, I’ve never understood the language of numbers. The best way I know to take care of money is not to spend it. So what am I doing checking in at the race course several times a day, squinting to read the line-up? Amazon, that’s my race track. Night Must … Continue reading →
Posted in: Blog, social and anti, writing